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Friday, November 16, 2012

Les Reves Femmes Agenda and Breaking Ground

I was so excited when I opened a package from France and found my work published in the lunar agenda 2013 by Rêve de FemmesIt includes 3 of my artworks, but my favorite is that they chose Mary Magdalene of the Burning Heart for the month of July as in July 21, day of St. Mary Magdalene. I must have looked like a little kid opening my Christmas gift! It is so beautiful I am afraid to touch it!

The same week I received the book Breaking Ground.

This is the work of Myrna Nieves, who worked in this anthology of women writers in New York for the last 10 years. It includes a magnificent number of written pieces by women who have lived in New York for more than 10 years and developed their career as writers in the city. I am honored be published among some of the finest writers in New York. Published by Editorial Campana, the anthology is available at La Casa Azul Bookstore and Amazon.com, among many other places.

My heart is as burning as that of the Mary Magdalene, and I am very, extremely grateful for these wonderful gifts of life!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so proud of you my friend! felicitaciones y bien merecido!!