Rosa participated in my Coptic Binding Bookmaking Workshop back in June. She said she had a lot of fun, but here is the proof that fun can be a big part of learning!
When she called me last week to tell me she needed some help making a notebook for her grandson, who is starting kindergaten in August, I told her to get started and she would remember how to do it. Otherwise we could meet when I come back to New York in August. But I knew she could do it!
I am very excited to publish these pictures she sent me of the book she did
all by herself. She said it was like seeing a video play once she got started. Thank you Rosa, and congratulations on making your first book on your own for your big boy!
For a free tutorial on how to make your own book,
click here.
If you would like to know about future workshops, let me know by sending me an email or leaving a message in this post.