Welcome to my blog! Visit my Website at WWW.ARTBYTANYATORRES.COM to see the galleries organized by theme.


Praising Life (2010)

Sacred Garden (2010)

Maria Butterflies (2010)

Nature Corazon (2010)

Handsome Jesus Icon (2010)

Our Lady of the Ample Heart (2010)

Tree (Mano Poderosa) (2010)

Snake (2010)

Sabiduria (2001)

Almohada (2001)

Flujo (2001)

Gota de tinta (2001)

Cesarea (2001)

Mother and Angel (2001)

Labyrinth 1 (1994)

Labyrinth 2 (1994)

Through Memories (1994)

Mujer y tres (1994)

Mujer y dos (1994)

Eight (1994)

One (1994)

Nine (1994)

Tres (1994)