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Sunday, March 24, 2013

Free Miniature Bookmaking Workshop at the First Encounter of Latinas in NY

Here is your invitation! If you are interested, please visit their website and sign up. So far, the workshop will be at 10:30 a.m. I don't have much more information, only that I'll be there ready to make mini books with whoever shows up. There will be other wonderful workshops and activities.

One of the organizers, Hortensia, is also asking for donations to send to women in Cuba. Please contact her if you are able to bring your donations. Here is her message:

"Nuestras hermanas en Cuba están necesitando:
1. Toallas sanitarias
2. Jabones
3. Shampoo & rinse
4. Pasta de dientes
5. Cepillos dentales
6. Desodorantes
7. Cremas
8. Agujas de coser
9. Hilos de coser y tejer
10. Tijeras
11. Maquinas de coser
Estas donaciones las estaremos recibiendo durante el evento del   1er. Encuentro de Mujeres Latinas en NY  a celebrarse el 30 de marzo 2013, desde las 10 a 5PM en la escuela secundaria Gregorio Luperón ubicada en la avenida Ámsterdam esq. 165 St.
¡La solidaridad no tiene fronteras!"

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Heaven and Earth in the Bronx

Heaven and Earth will travel to the Bronx this April: At the Bronx Library Center of the New York Public Library, come visit! I'll be there on Saturdays 2-5 p.m.: reading, drawing and sharing! Opening: Thursday, April 11, 6:00 to 8:00 p.m.